"TESICA_RS_2018.zip" contains relevant data to the publication referenced below. File contents are as follows: 01_10MHz_Prototype_S11.S1P: Measured S11 of prototype 10MHz antenna shown in section 2. 02_10MHz_Prototype_Pulse_Data.csv: Measured voltage, current, and field magnitude of 10MHz prototype antenna under pulsed conditions. Charging voltage: 100V. 1: Time 2: Excitation Voltage (x 0.8, voltage probe measured high) 3: Excitation Current (x -2, measured with Pearson current monitor) 4: Measured Magnetic Field (magnetic loop EM-6872, 40ft above antenna) 03_Coupling_Tune_EM_Simulation.cst: CST MWS 2014 simulation of 10MHz antenna to extract EM characteristics relevant to coupling tuning. Section 5.3 In particular: resonant frequency, current in CLL, voltage across gap, bandwidth, minimum S11, SLA angle needed to match 04_Coupling_Tune_SPICE.opj: PSPICE model of antenna used to obtain characteristics to compare to CST simulation. 05_CouplingTune.csv: Extracted data from both CST and SPICE models. 06_Horizontal_Gap_Simulation.cst: CST MWS 2014 simulation of the horizontal gap design shown in section 5.1. 07_Array_Simulation.cst CST MWS 2014 simulation of a 2x2 array to extract mutual coupling characteristics as described in section 4.2. For more information regarding this data please refer to the following publication: B. Esser, D. Mauch, J. Dickens, J. Mankowski, A. Neuber, "Tunable, Electrically Small, Inductively Coupled Antenna for Transportable Ionospheric Heating," Radio Science, Submitted 2018 It is requested that the above publication be referenced should this data be used. Email: ben.esser@ttu.edu; andreas.neuber@ttu.edu